Hair Transplant/FUE

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Hair Transplant

What happens during a hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a technique where hair follicles transfer from the back or side of the scalp to the area of baldness or thinning area of the scalp.

The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and takes about 6-8 hours.

There are two types of hair transplant FUE and FUT.

Follicle Unite Extraction (FUE) is when individual hair follicles are removed from the back or side of the scalp and implanted to the thinning area of the scalp.

Follicle Unit Transplantation (FUT) is when a band of the skin is removed from the back of the scalp and then hair follicles are taken from this strip and implanted to the thin area.

At Aurora Dermatology we only provide FUE hair transplant. To proceed with a hair transplant you need to book a consult prior.
Bear in mind that you might need more than one session of transplant several months apart to get the best outcome

What are the most important considerations for hair transplantations?

Be realistic. Hair transplants can improve appearance and self-confidence. However it is very important to have a realistic expectation of this procedure which takes 9-12 months to show results.
Don’t stop meds. It is important to stay on concurrent hair medications for the best results.
Your hair may shed. You might experience sudden hair shedding up to three months after surgery as a result of the shock of the surgery. This will usually grow back.
Hair growth patterns will vary. After the surgery hair fall out from graft and will grow in 3 to 6 months, sometimes it may take up to 12 months.
Other factors may influence growth. Diet, stress, smoking, hormone imbalance, genetic profile, medical illness and medications can all affect the outcome.
Eye swelling. You might experience swelling of eyes and forehead or bruising which may last for 2-3 weeks after surgery.
Scarring. You will have a permanent scar on the back of the scalp if the FUT method is applied.
Pain. The scalp may be sore and you need to take a Panadol to reduce the pain. You might be prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection, or medication for swelling.

Who is the right candidate for a hair transplant?

Men and women with pattern /genetic alopecia who have a good bank of hair on the back of the scalp.
People with burns or scars on the scalp are also good candidates.

Who is not a good candidate for a hair transplant?

  • Patients with a scarring alopecia such as lichen planopilaris, frontal fibrosing alopecia, or folliculitis de calvanse
  • Patients with very low hair density and a poor bank of hair on the back of the scalp
  • People who are prone to keloid scars or have an infection on the scalp

What should I expect after surgery?

  • Pain, swelling and bruising and numbness on the scalp
  • Scabbing in the surgical area where hair was extracted
  • Numbness on the scalp which may remain for a few months
  • Swelling and bruising around the eyes/forehead
  • Sudden hair shedding due to the shock of the surgery, usually it is temporary
  • Unusual tufted dull hair in the transplant area
  • A tight feeling over the scalp

When can I return to work?

Most patients return to work 7-10 days after surgery

What are the complications of a hair transplant?

In the overwhelming majority of cases the procedure is very well tolerated and common side effects usually include minor pain, swelling and bruising.
However, like any other surgery, patients may experience more serious side effects including:

  • Bleeding, infection, poor growth of graft
  • An unnatural look in the transplant area
  • Very rarely skin necrosis

How long will the hair last after a hair transplant?

When you have hair grafted from the back and sides of your scalp to the bald patches, called an autograft, the hair will often grow for the rest of your life, even as you age.
You may have some slight thinning in the 60s and 70s, but not usually the same “pattern” baldness experienced before.
Some patients may need two or three procedures in their entire lifetime.*1

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