
What are dermal fillers and how do they work?
- Fillers (sometimes called dermal fillers, cosmetic fillers, soft tissue fillers, cosmetic injectables,or hyaluronic acid fillers) – refer to a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves smoothing out lines and wrinkles with injectables.
- This creates a more youthful and fresh-faced appearance – all without the “done” look.
- Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are injected into the skin to help increase volume, add plumpness and make lips appear fuller.
- Many people also use fillers to fill in acne scars or to reduce the appearance of facial trauma during/after plastic surgery.
- Once injected, the filler integrates with the skin’s deeper layers attracting water molecules which helps hydrate and plump skin, also improving facial volume and texture.
- It is important to note the experience of the person injecting fillers as there are several different fillers for very different purposes.
- As there is not a one-size-fits-all filler, it’s important to ask about formal qualifications and training, to help ensure optimal filler effectiveness, longevity and aesthetic artistry.
- Today fillers are the second most popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure after Botox®, with more than 9,900 filler procedures performed every month in Australia.
What areas of the face and body can be treated with fillers?
- Acne scars (face or body)
- Frown lines (forehead lines or glabellar lines)
- Smoker’s lines (perioral lines or small vertical lines around the lips)
- Marionette lines (vertical lines from mouth to nose)
- Worry lines (forehead lines)
- Crow’s feet (periorbital lines)
- Deep smile lines (nasolabial or the vertical lines going down the side of the nose)
- Cheek depressions
- Lip enhancement
- Witch’s chin (chin augmentation)
- Facial scars
- Hand rejuvenation (this also uses fillers)
What are the different types of injectable fillers and how long do they last?
- Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in body tissue that effectively adds plumpness to skin or thin lips.
- These injectables can last at least 6 to 18 months depending on the patient and injection area. Many women prefer this type of injectable as it is natural. The result is immediate,
- Polylactic acid (PLLA) stimulates skin to produce extra collagen and increases facial volume.
- Calcium hydroxylapatite is a type of mineral commonly found in human teeth and bones. The effects of this material last approximately 18 months.
- Unlike other fillers, Polymethyl-methacrylate microspheres (PMMA) is a semi-permanent filler that contains cow collagen that is relatively long-lasting.
- At Aurora Dermatology we use only Hyaluronic acid.
What happens during the dermal filler procedure at Aurora Dermatology?
- Dr Parisa will take an extensive history, and you will be asked about your expectations for the result, your medical history reviewed and a course of filler treatments will be advised.
- Dr Parisa will then examine your face and take a photo.
- Local anaesthesia will be applied half an hour prior to injection.
- The filler itself may also contain an anaesthetic agent to eliminate pain.
- Injection usually takes only a few moments per site. The process includes injecting, massaging, and evaluating the result is performed, and additional filler added as needed.
- Depending on the number of areas to be treated, the whole process can be done in as little as 30 minutes, or as long as 45 minutes.
Who is a suitable candidate for dermal fillers?
Injectable fillers are a relatively quick and easy way to help delay the need for more invasive procedures. Good candidates for dermal fillers include
- Physically healthy patients
- Non-smokers
- Patients with realistic expectations
- Mild to moderate wrinkles (major wrinkles may require a facelift) or volume loss
- The best way to determine your suitability is through a consultation with Dr Parisa.
Who is not a suitable candidate for dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers are not recommended for
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women
- Patients with a history of allergies to injectables
- Patients with auto-immune disease or uncontrolled diabetes
- People who tend to keloid scar
- Patients with a high level of psychological concern about their appearance
How do I prepare for dermal fillers?
- Tell Dr Parisa about your smoking history, drug allergies and previous medical treatments as well as prescription and herbal medicines and vitamins
- Ensure you do not smoke
- Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinol, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, or any “anti-ageing” products 7 days before the procedure.
- Ten days before the procedure, see your GP and stop all NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications) such as Aspirin, Advil, Aleve, Nuprin, Bufferin, Ibuprofen. Paracetamol is OK to use.
- Ten days before the procedure, stop all herbal supplements such as fish oil, ginkgo, ginseng and St John’s Wort
- Avoid alcohol beverages 24 hours prior.
What are the side effects of dermal fillers?
- Common side effects of fillers include swelling, bleeding, slight pain and bruising which tends to settle in a few days.
- Uncommon side effects include allergic reaction, non-painful lumps, vascular injury, infection (reactivation of herpes virus, staphylococcal infection) and movement of implant.
- Skin redness, sensitivity, itching and rash.
- Very rarely during eye filler procedures blurred vision, partial vision loss, or even blindness if the dermal filler is accidentally injected into a blood vessel has been reported. Aurora Dermatology does not perform fillers in eye areas for this reason.
- Very rarely, skin necrosis may happen if filler is accidentally injected into the blood vessel
What is the difference between fillers and Botox ®?
Dermal fillers
– Plump areas that have lost volume and smoothness.
– Treatment areas are typically the wrinkles around the mouth, thin lips, and cheeks that have lost fullness as well as the nasal labial folds.
– Results vary, depending on the filler used and can last 6 to 18 months.
Botox ®
- Freezes the muscles, ironing out creases and wrinkles caused by smiling, squinting, frowning, and other facial expressions.
Typically Botox ® treats the area in the upper face, such as the forehead and around the eyes. Botox ® results last 3 to 4 months. Although fillers and Botox ® are designed for different uses, they are frequently used together in one treatment.
Healthline Fillers: What you need to know?
DermalFillers: Plastic Surgery – Cleveland Clinic
What Are the Side Effects of Facial Fillers?